Self-care isn’t selfish…
but it can seem that way.
Lately self-care has turned into this buzz word. Everyone is talking about it, but have you noticed there isn’t a discussion on what it means?
You can google self-care and receive 4.4 billion results, most of them advertisements for skin care and spas making it seem that self-care is a luxury.
Self-care seems to be the extra things that get added to make ourselves feel better; a must do to prove that you are taking the extra step to take care of yourself. But with all the “extra” things that need to be done, or had, in order to do self-care, who has the time? (or money?) Allocating the resources to do this so-called self-care seems… well selfish.
In this week’s episode of Overcoming Overwhelm I discuss what self-care really means and tips on how to incorporate it into your life so that it can ease stress and overwhelm. With these tips you’ll learn that self-care isn’t selfish, it’s necessary.
Click the video below to watch.